For Our Planet
We are realistic and understand that changing food habits is not something that can be done overnight but we feel that more people, eating more plant based meals, more often, our generation can make a difference to preserving our planet for future generations. People are looking at ways greener ways to power their homes and cars but what about how we fuel ourselves? Here are some reasons why eating more plants is good for our planet.

Did you know?
Eating plant-based can actually reduce your eco-footprint by 50%.

Reduce your greenhouse gas emissions.
It’s pretty well known that livestock generate serious emissions that are heating up the planet, in fact, rearing animals for food contributes more to global warming than all of the world’s cars, trains and planes together. Animal agriculture is globally the single largest source of methane emissions, (methane is over 25 times more effective as carbon dioxide at trapping heat in our atmosphere.)

Save thousands of litres of water.
In the western world, most of us just have to turn on the tap to get clean water, however this is not the case for up to one billion people across the planet who struggle every day to access clean, safe water. And yet, up to one-third of fresh water globally is diverted to meat, egg and dairy production. By contrast, fruit and vegetables require dramatically less water to grow. In fact, by opting for plant-based foods for one week, you can save as much water as if you’d stopped showering for almost six months!

Tackle world hunger.
The World Health Organization have estimated that there are over 820 million people across the world currently going hungry. Whilst these people face a daily struggle to put food on their table, one-third of the world’s cereal harvested is being fed to farmed animals. That’s pretty shocking when you think that would be enough grain to feed around 3 billion people.

Stop soil and water pollution.
It’s more than hot air that’s coming out of the animal agriculture, effluent from industrial livestock farms can contaminate underground drinking water and run off into rivers and oceans, which can cause ocean ‘dead zones’.

Slow own habitat destruction.
Over 30% of our earth’s land surface is currently being used for farming animals and every year hundreds of acres of forest are removed to graze cattle or grow crops to feed animals in factory farms. In South America for example, almost 80% of former forests in the Amazon are now used for cattle grazing. Habitat loss is one of the leading causes of extinction of plant and animal life. The World Wildlife Fund has reported that we have already wiped out 60% of wildlife in the past 50 years, with this trend set to continue unless we turn it around, fast. Eating a plant-based diet can significantly reduce the amount of land needed to produce your food and, in the process, protect animals’ natural habitats.

Protect ocean ecosystems.
The United Nations has warned that if we don’t reduce current fishing rates, the oceans’ fish populations may collapse by 2050. Huge trawler nets that are used to drag through the ocean pick up pretty much everything in their path including dolphins, sharks, turtles and other threatened species. You can help the marine ecosystems to recover, by replacing fish on your plate with plants-based protein.

Put simply...
Making the choice to eat more plant-based foods and less meat, eggs and dairy is not only easy, healthy and affordable, it’s also the most powerful way to protect the environment. Many people will not want to go fully vegan but if as many people as possible replace a couple of their main meals a week with a plant-based alternative, think of the difference we can all make!