The Importance of Fibre In a Vegan Diet

David Beaver
The majority of our family and friends, regardless of their dietary preferences, believe that they are generally healthy and knowledgeable. However, whether they are vegan or not, most people tend to underestimate the importance of fibre.

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Give Peas A Chance

David Beaver
What makes peas such a force to be reckoned with? As well as being super tasty and an easy veg to get the kids to eat they're vibrantly coloured and high in nutrients. They are full of protein, fibre, iron, and antioxidants. Peas are high in Vitamin A, which is good for your eyes, skin, hair, and teeth. It also aids in the reduction of inflammation in the body.

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Vegan Hacks - Try These Breakfast Fruit Ideas

David Beaver
A good breakfast is often recognised as the most essential meal of the day, but what you put in your bowl will influence how much nutritional value you get, so eating fruit first thing in the morning will help kick start your digestive system and can even help you wake up naturally without having to rely on a morning cup of coffee. Here are our favourite fruit recommendations you can enjoy first thing in the morning when you're breaking your fast.

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A Guide to Maintaining Vegan Gut Health

David Beaver
“All disease begins in the gut,” said Hippocrates, a renowned Greek  physician, almost 2000 years ago. Gut health has been at the forefront in recent times for the multiple revelations it’s been making.

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