7 Tips for Surviving Veganuary

David Beaver
For those of you that may be attempting Veganuary for the first time we are pretty much half way through, we'd be really interested to hear about your journey, have you taken to it as a duck to water or is there anything you have found anything difficult?  For those of you that may be struggling we've pulled together some tips that might help.

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6 Reasons To Go Vegan

David Beaver

With roughly 1%, more than 700,000 people, of the UK population today choosing to go vegan, perhaps it’s time we learnt a little more about this lifestyle option.

Whatever your preconception about vegan diets there are some really good reasons to give it veganism a try.  We’re excited to be involved in a growing UK vegan community and our customers have told us all kinds of stories and reasons behind their food choices. 

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