6 Reasons To Go Vegan
With roughly 1%, more than 700,000 people, of the UK population today choosing to go vegan, perhaps it’s time we learnt a little more about this lifestyle option.
Whatever your preconception about vegan diets there are some really good reasons to give it veganism a try. We’re excited to be involved in a growing UK vegan community and our customers have told us all kinds of stories and reasons behind their food choices.
Here are just six reasons to try a vegan diet…
- Go vegan for the animals…
It’s a common misconception that if ‘just one person’ gives up animal produce, then it will make barely any difference on a global scale. However, this is far from truth. According to VeganOutreach.org, every person that chooses to eat a Vegan diet can spare an average of 50 animals a year. Whether you love animals or simply believe in eating cruelty-free meals, then animal-free is the way to go.
- Go vegan for the people…
A vegan diet is much kinder to our environment. The amount land and crops needed for a plant-based diet is only a third of that needed for a diet with animal produce. In our increasingly over-populated world where global hunger is a crucial issue, a vegan diet is the most sustainable choice we can make.
- Go vegan – it’s healthier…
Mass produced meat is often packed full of additives and chemicals and is one of the most common sources of food poisoning. Many animal products are contaminated and research has shown that too much animal protein in your diet can put excess strain on the organs. By contrast, a balanced vegan diet is rich in antioxidants, high in fibre and low in saturated fat. Packed with essential vitamins and minerals, a plant-based diet provides enough protein to meet your recommend daily allowance.
- Go vegan, your body will thank you for it…
Not only do vegan diets have a whole range of health benefits but removing animal produce also means you’re far more likely to lose excess weight. Vegans, or those who significantly cut their intake of animal products, weigh on average 20 pounds less than meat-eaters. This also has a direct link to reducing the risk of contracting diabetes, obesity and a number of cancers.
Adoption of a plant-based diet containing less cholesterol and fat, will also increase energy levels, and give you healthier hair and clearer skin.
- Go vegan because it’s environmentally friendly
Avoiding animal products is one of the most effective ways that we can lower our eco footprint. Meat production places huge pressure on the environment with huge supplies of grain feed, for example, acting as a significant contributor to the issue of deforestation. The meat industry accounts for almost a fifth of manmade pollution and comes out ahead of transportation in its harmful impact on our planet.
- Go vegan as it tastes so good!
Contrary to what many people might think, vegan diets don’t need to be boring and they don’t need to lack variety. When Root Kitchen 100% plant based meals are on the menu, there’s a nutritious, convenient and sustainable alternative to the traditional meat-based option. At the end of the day, what’s the harm? Whether it is Veganuary or in fact another month, try going vegan for a few weeks and see how much better you feel.
Are you vegan or considering it?
We’d love to hear why you’re vegan and what it means to you. Or tell us how you’re planning to make the change to veganism.
Leave us a comment below and share your vegan story.
Looking for something both vegan and delicious? Here at Root Kitchen we deliver frozen plant-based ready meals to your door.
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