Root Kitchen Joins The Good Food Programme - Root Kitchen UK

Root Kitchen Joins The Good Food Programme

David Beaver
Hey there, awesome folks! Guess what? Root Kitchen has been chosen to take part in the incredible Good Food Programme, a group of challenger brands that are working to make our food and drinks world super healthy and affordable. Yep, you heard it right – we're diving into this fantastic adventure that's like a roller coaster of opportunities for us to grow and shake things up!!


We totally get how tough it can be to find those tasty, nutritious vegan meals that don't break the bank, especially when everything seems to be getting more expensive. But guess what? The Good Food Programme recognises that good food is an essential driver of health and wellbeing and that within low-income households there is a lack of healthier food options that are affordable and convenient.

That's where the guys at Mission Ventures come in.  They have developed a market-led solution to tackle this issue, working with two of the UK's leading impact investors, to provide financial support and business expertise to healthier challenger brands, they have created an awesome business accelerator programme to help us scale to become mainstream.

Everyone here Root Kitchen is looking forward to joining an exciting cohort of food and drink challenger brands which includes: 

Can we just take a moment to do a happy dance? Because being part of the Good Food Programme's mission feels like winning the foodie jackpot! We're seriously stoked to jump into this journey that's all about making the food world healthier, tastier, and accessible for everyone.

You can read more about the Good Food Fund in yesterday's article in the Grocer here

Let's get Cookin'! 🌱🍛🎉


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