Debunking the Myths: The Truth About Ready Meals

David Beaver
Ready meals have become a staple in many households, offering a quick and convenient solution for busy individuals and families. However, there are many misconceptions about these meals that have led to a negative reputation. Here are some of the most common myths about ready meals and the truth behind them. Read on!

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Root Kitchen is Two Years Old

David Beaver
On the 11th of January the Root Kitchen has officially been open for business for two years, and we can say it has gone by in a blur of ups and downs and has taken us on a journey that has far exceeded our expectations. This year gave us more than we bargained for, with increases in the price of ingredients, supply chain and energy costs thanks to numerous external factors that were both hard to forecast on totally out of our control.

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How to Use Up Your Vegan Christmas Leftovers

David Beaver

So, you made it through Christmas and are now have a few days off work in that funny time in between Christmas and New Year when everybody is wandering round in a food coma trying to keep the kids entertained whilst not fully knowing what day it is.  If you are anything like us, that's when you check the fridge and realise that, along with all the delicious vegan chocolate and nibbles you have a mountain of half cling filmed Christmas dinner sides and delicious produce that you bought for the big day that now have to be used up!

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Lets Talk About Vegan Ready Meals

David Beaver
When Rishma was diagnosed with ME in late 2019, she wanted meals that were inexpensive, plant based and made from the best ingredients available.  She spent ages looking for the perfect range at the right price and really struggled to find something that would meet her needs......Et Voila, the idea for Root Kitchen came to her one Sunday evening when she was batch cooking some meals ready for the week ahead.

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