Stock up your fridge with these 15 essential vegan food items

David Beaver
Planning your weekly perishable food shopping not only helps reduce food waste but also ensures you have quick and healthy meal options. Keep 6-7 veggies on hand to prevent spoilage and try these fridge essentials: cauliflower, sweet potato, carrots, celery, spring onions, citrus fruits, ginger, fennel, and condiments.

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Sticking to a Vegan Diet after Veganuary

David Beaver
Veganuary is a popular challenge where individuals pledge to follow a vegan diet for the entire month of January. While this challenge can be a great way to start a healthier lifestyle and experience the benefits of a plant-based diet, sticking to a vegan diet can be difficult after the month is over.  Here we'll give you our top tips on how to stick to a vegan diet after Veganuary.

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10 Quick and Easy Vegan Meals for Lazy Days

David Beaver
Veganism is a lifestyle that is gaining popularity all over the world, but with a busy schedule, it can be challenging to maintain a vegan diet and prepare healthy meals every day. Struggling to maintain a vegan diet when feeling lazy? Try these 10 delicious and nutritious vegan meals that are quick and easy to make.

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Give Peas A Chance

David Beaver
What makes peas such a force to be reckoned with? As well as being super tasty and an easy veg to get the kids to eat they're vibrantly coloured and high in nutrients. They are full of protein, fibre, iron, and antioxidants. Peas are high in Vitamin A, which is good for your eyes, skin, hair, and teeth. It also aids in the reduction of inflammation in the body.

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What impact can following a vegan diet make?

David Beaver
"What difference would I make?" Is a common thought when you are considering a lifestyle change, You question yourself, whether it's decreasing your carbon footprint by buying less products that contain single use plastics or brushing your teeth without leaving the water  running. When it comes to choosing to follow a vegan diet, the difference is significant.

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Tackling Childhood Obesity With A Plant-Based Diet

David Beaver

People seem genuinely surprised when I tell them that our girls (8 and 5 at the time of writing) regularly eat a variety of fruit and vegetables, beans and even tofu, without grumbling.  Can plant-based diets work for children? As parents, our biggest fear was telling ourselves, "I'll make that for the two of us a night when we don't have the kids."

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What Happens if You Cut Out Meat & Dairy For a Month?

David Beaver
What if I told you that cutting out meat and dairy products could reduce your risk of numerous diseases, improve intestinal health and give 30 days of reduced inflammation?  There are loads of reasons why you may consider being vegan, even if you've never considered it previously.

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Power Foods For The Brain: Vegan Friendly Foods That Boost Your Memory

David Beaver
Have you noticed you become more forgetful as you get older (or is that just me?) Although memory loss is a natural part of growing older, you don't have to accept it without a struggle.  Several foods possess natural memory-boosting ingredients that can help you keep your mind sharp while also providing other advantages to your health.  Here we look at some vegan friendly superfoods that you can add to your diet to stave off memory loss before you reach for the supplement bottle.

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Are Vegetables Good For Eyesight?

David Beaver
Your eyes are one of your body's most complicated and critical organs, and consuming the appropriate nutrients will keep them healthy and performing at their best into the future. Whilst eating a diet rich in vegetables is usually beneficial to your health, specific vegetables are known for their ability to keep your eyes in tip top condition.  Here we'll look at the top three vegetables you should be eating to look give your eyes the best chance of staying healthy for longer.

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