Get Ready For Summer With These Great Vegan BBQ Ideas
Let face it, it’s easy to pull together a BBQ with lots of ready to grill meat products available but for those of who have recently adopted a plant based diet, the traditional British summer BBQ season may look a lot different than previous years.
One thing we have learned whilst setting up Root Kitchen over the last 18 months is that we love how much vegan cooking pushes us out of our comfort zone and encourages us to explore to find exciting alternatives to 'traditional' recipes.
We've pulled together a few of our favourite, game-changing plant based BBQ mains that are sure to impress even the even biggest carnivore guests you may be hosting this summer. What's even better is that, in addition to being vegan, these vegetable based BBQ swaps are also made using no gluten, so get ready to get hungry and feast your eyes one these!
Grilled Stuffed Avocado Halves
Who doesn’t love avocado with… everything, right!?
These simple grilled Avocados are very versatile and can be filled with anything that takes your fancy but we've gone with a yummy Avo and salsa mix.
Serves 8

- 4 firm Avocados
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- Juice of 1 lime
- Salt and pepper
- Fresh tomato salsa
- Small bunch of coriander
1. Slice each of the avocados into halves, remove the stone and drizzle with the oil, lime and salt and pepper.
2. Heat the BBQ to high heat and grill the avocados for 2-3 minutes or until char marks appear (It takes longer than you think).
3. Fill the centre of the Avocados with the salsa and sprinkle with the coriander. Et Voila!!
Tandoori Spiced Cauliflower
This recipe is a real showstopper!
Serves 6

- 1 large Cauliflower head
- 2 tbsp Harissa Paste
- 1 Garlic Clove Crushed
- 1 tbsp Lemon Juice
- 100g Red Pepper Hummus
- Small Bunch mint leaves
- Pomegranate seeds to garnish
1. Cut an X in the stem of the cauliflower and carefully stab all over.
2. Mix together the Harrisa Paste, Garlic and lemon.
3. Place the cauliflower on a large piece of foil. Rub the mix all over the cauliflower pushing the marinade into all the cuts made.
4. Gather up the sides of the foil to completely cover the cauliflower and marinade for around 4 hours. You can also do this the night before and leave in the fridge.
5. Heat the BBQ to a medium to high heat. Put the cauliflower in its foil onto the BBQ and cook for 15 with the lid down.
6. Unwrap and cook for a further 15 minutes with the lid down
7. Remove from the BBQ and allow to rest for 10 minutes. Do not cover, this keeps all the charred coating crunchy.
8. Serve and the centre of the table with the Hummus garnished with the mint and pomegranate.
Smoky Grilled Aubergines
Aubergines soak up any flavours you add to them and this recipe is no different.
Serves 6

- 3 large Aubergines
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- 2 garlic cloves crushed
- 1/2 thinly chopped red onion
- 1 tsp dried thyme
- Sesame seeds to garnish
1. Cut the aubergines in half and score the flesh in a criss-cross pattern.
2. Mix the oil with the garlic, herbs, onion and seasoning.
3. Drizzle half over the aubergines and place directly on the BBQ. Cook for 10-15 minutes.
4. Brush one more with the remaining marinade, sprinkle with the sesame seeds and serve.
Hopefully these recipes will give you some ideas for over the summer however we're always looking for fun and innovative plant based dishes for over the BBQ season so if you have one that you think we will love here at Root Towers then send it over on hello@rootkitchen.uk and we'll send you a little thank you!
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