Advice For Those Taking Part In Veganuary For The First Time

David Beaver
Our favourite month of the year is here (well apart from May-July though but that doesn't count as they are sunny).  We've loved January ever since we started our journey with Root Kitchen and that is because it's all about Veganuary! Here are our top tips for making sure you get the most from your Veganuary experience

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What are the Best Documentaries on Veganism on Netflix?

David Beaver
For anyone making a big lifestyle change, such as taking part in Veganuary for the first time, taking the first step is usually the hardest and it can often make things easier if you have researched the topic thoroughly first and what better place to learn about the benefits of a vegan diet than Netflix.

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Plant Based Foods From Across The World

David Beaver
There are certain plant-based societies across the world that take pride in their veganism and have long, productive lives. Let's go on a little virtual tour of the globe and delve into a few classic vegan destinations on this sunny Sunday afternoon.

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What impact can following a vegan diet make?

David Beaver
"What difference would I make?" Is a common thought when you are considering a lifestyle change, You question yourself, whether it's decreasing your carbon footprint by buying less products that contain single use plastics or brushing your teeth without leaving the water  running. When it comes to choosing to follow a vegan diet, the difference is significant.

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Tackling Childhood Obesity With A Plant-Based Diet

David Beaver

People seem genuinely surprised when I tell them that our girls (8 and 5 at the time of writing) regularly eat a variety of fruit and vegetables, beans and even tofu, without grumbling.  Can plant-based diets work for children? As parents, our biggest fear was telling ourselves, "I'll make that for the two of us a night when we don't have the kids."

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