The Importance of Fibre In a Vegan Diet

David Beaver
The majority of our family and friends, regardless of their dietary preferences, believe that they are generally healthy and knowledgeable. However, whether they are vegan or not, most people tend to underestimate the importance of fibre.

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Give Peas A Chance

David Beaver
What makes peas such a force to be reckoned with? As well as being super tasty and an easy veg to get the kids to eat they're vibrantly coloured and high in nutrients. They are full of protein, fibre, iron, and antioxidants. Peas are high in Vitamin A, which is good for your eyes, skin, hair, and teeth. It also aids in the reduction of inflammation in the body.

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"Arroz Verde" Recipe

David Beaver
Eating a lot of rice? We thought we'd mix things up by giving you this banging recipe that will give you a delicious way to incorporate some colourful greens into your rice, adding flavour, nutrition, and texture!  "Arroz Verde" basically translates to 'rice that is very green'For an easy and delicious vegan supper, try adding spinach, peas, green beans, or quinoa, being sure to get those extra plant-based proteins.

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What impact can following a vegan diet make?

David Beaver
"What difference would I make?" Is a common thought when you are considering a lifestyle change, You question yourself, whether it's decreasing your carbon footprint by buying less products that contain single use plastics or brushing your teeth without leaving the water  running. When it comes to choosing to follow a vegan diet, the difference is significant.

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What Happens if You Cut Out Meat & Dairy For a Month?

David Beaver
What if I told you that cutting out meat and dairy products could reduce your risk of numerous diseases, improve intestinal health and give 30 days of reduced inflammation?  There are loads of reasons why you may consider being vegan, even if you've never considered it previously.

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What Is Plant Based Food Made From? What Does It Mean?

David Beaver
If you are reading this you've probably already made the decision to move away from eating animal and dairy products and you probably won't need any more convincing that switching to a more plant-based diet and gradually eliminating meat items from your diet can have some pretty amazing health benefits, not to mention improving the health of our planet.

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Are Vegetables Good For Eyesight?

David Beaver
Your eyes are one of your body's most complicated and critical organs, and consuming the appropriate nutrients will keep them healthy and performing at their best into the future. Whilst eating a diet rich in vegetables is usually beneficial to your health, specific vegetables are known for their ability to keep your eyes in tip top condition.  Here we'll look at the top three vegetables you should be eating to look give your eyes the best chance of staying healthy for longer.

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Vegan Hacks - Try These Breakfast Fruit Ideas

David Beaver
A good breakfast is often recognised as the most essential meal of the day, but what you put in your bowl will influence how much nutritional value you get, so eating fruit first thing in the morning will help kick start your digestive system and can even help you wake up naturally without having to rely on a morning cup of coffee. Here are our favourite fruit recommendations you can enjoy first thing in the morning when you're breaking your fast.

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Debunking Vegan Myths

David Beaver
As you may have guessed we are huge supporters of all things vegan and have enjoyed watching more people adopt a plant based diet, with celebs like Miley Cyrus, Pamela Anderson and Lewis Hamilton leading the charge.  As Root Kitchen's resident vegan blogger, I wanted to use this opportunity to debunk three of the most frequent misconceptions about veganism.

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