What Is Plant Based Food Made From? What Does It Mean?
If you are reading this you've probably already made the decision to move away from eating animal and dairy products and you probably won't need any more convincing that switching to a more plant-based diet and gradually eliminating meat items from your diet can have some pretty amazing health benefits, not to mention improving the health of our planet. For the uninitiated, a plant-based diet is based on consuming vegetables, legumes, nutritious grains, and healthy fats while avoiding or minimising meat and dairy.
The difference between a vegan diet and plant-based is that whilst a plant-based diet can refer to a completely vegan diet that excludes all animal products, it can also mean a diet that is mostly plant-based but includes certain animal products.
Similarly, a vegetarian diet, and a flexitarian, or reducetarian diet in which the primary focus is plant-based but some animal products are consumed, could also sometimes be called plant-based.
There's no doubt however that whether you want to go vegan straight away or eat predominantly plant-based with the meat, fish or dairy, focusing your diet primarily on plants will have a big positive impact on your overall health.
Are you ready to try a plant-based diet now that you know what it is and how it might help you? If that's the case, you might be interested in learning how to get started, which is actually a lot easier than it appears. Here are some simple tips to help you on your plant-based journey.
When you include one large salad in your day, it's easy to skip the meat products. Instead of going for the meal deal cardboard and tuna sandwich for lunch, make a veggie-packed salad with leafy greens, lentils, crunchy veggies, and loads of delicious hummus to satisfy your hunger and give you all the nutrients you need to see through the afternoon. I promise you won't miss your shop bought sandwich if you try a salad for lunch every day! Without you realising it, you'll soon be organically saying bye to the meat.
Let's face it, having the same breakfast every day can get soooo boring! Whilst I'm certainly not a fan, people often go for the carton of eggs. Instead of eggs on toast for breakfast, why not shake things up and try a fruit smoothie with a scoop of plant-based protein powder for a protein-rich, 100 percent plant-based way to start your day. Just use make sure you add soy or almond milk!
So, to wrap things up, following a plant-based diet could well be the key if you want to improve your health and live longer. Just look online and you'll see loads of articles that tell you about the health benefits of switching to plant based, so what are you waiting for, ditch the meat and eat more plants. You'll surprise yourself how easy and tasty you'll find it.

Are you ready to start your plant based journey? We are big advocates of cooking from scratch if you have time but if you don't we're here to help, stock your freezer with some of our delicious plant-based meals for this evenings when you either too tired (or lazy) to cook.
Looking for something both vegan and delicious? Here at Root Kitchen we deliver frozen plant-based ready meals to your door.
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