Debunking Vegan Myths
As you may have guessed we are huge supporters of all things vegan and have enjoyed watching more people adopt a plant based diet, with celebs like Miley Cyrus, Pamela Anderson and Lewis Hamilton leading the charge. As Root Kitchen's resident vegan blogger, I wanted to use this opportunity to debunk three of the most frequent misconceptions about veganism.
Debunking vegan myths #1: Vegans solely eat lettuce.
This is not correct. Take a look at our delicious vegan ready meals!
Yeah, vegan diets tend to include a larger amount of fruit and vegetables and this is due to the fact that those concerned about their health often prefer a plant-based diet. However, this does not imply that we only consume lettuce. Veganising ANY food is simple. From curry to BBQ to pizza, pancakes to kebabs, every alternative you try will leave you wondering why you ever ate anything else.
(When there's vegan pizza and chocolate treats on the menu, who has time for lettuce anyway?)
You might already have some vegan snack foods stashed away in your sweet drawer. Starburst, Oreos and Bournville are all vegan friendly and you might be surprised at what you find when you look at the ingredients on some of your favourite treats.

Debunking vegan myths #2: The Vegan diet isn't healthy.
While it's not a good idea to consume only the foods listed above, you'll probably feel better than someone who eats an unhealthy omnivore diet.
According to's Michael Greger MD, a whole-foods, plant-based diet can lower the risk of a variety of common health conditions, including heart, liver, and kidney disease, diabetes, and various types of cancer. A diet that includes a large amount of meat and dairy raises the chances of being diagnosed with these illnesses substantially so there is medical proof that vegan diets can be beneficial to one's health.
In my opinion? I've recovered from migraines, allergies, and anaemia after two years on a vegan diet. My blood tests indicate that I am in excellent health. (I don't always eat healthily, and am more than willing to indulge in a vegan desert when I'm out for a meal!)
But don't vegans require supplements to maintain their health?
Some vegans choose to take B12 supplements, which our bodies cannot produce. Non-vegans can get some of the B12 they need from animal products (though the majority of the population is deficient), but only if the animals were fed B12 supplements. Vegans simply eliminate the middle-man.
Debunking vegan myths #3: Vegans do not consume enough protein.
This is something we hear on a daily basis. Protein is one of three macronutrients that are contained in all foods — protein, fat, and carbohydrate – in varying proportions. Protein-rich foods include beans, legumes, soy, almonds, quinoa, brown rice, and even fruits and vegetables.
Only those who eat a dangerously low quantity of calories – those who the World Health Organization would describe as suffering from famine – suffer from protein shortages. It is unlikely that anyone who consumes a healthy number of calories on a regular basis will ever experience it.
There are a variety of vegan protein supplements that may be put into smoothies or added to cooking for anyone who follows a high-protein diet or wants to gain muscle mass.
Vegan bodybuilding requires some research (as much as non-vegan bodybuilding) and a lot of food, but it is completely doable! Indeed, many vegan athletes report that their recovery rates improve, allowing them to pack more into their next workout without overdoing it.
Debunking vegan myths #4: Following a vegan diet is too difficult.
The truth is that being a vegan has never been easier. The majority of restaurants these days offer vegan options, if not entire vegan menus! To meet rising demand, Burger King, Starbucks, McDonalds and even KFC all launched new vegan menu items this week.… Who said being a vegan was all about eating lettuce?
In 2022 most supermarkets in the western world have a 'free from' section that'll be brimming with vegan food, and if you live in a city, there is almost certainly a vegan/veggie shop or restaurant in your area. Vegan food is widely available in independents health shops and high-street stores like Holland & Barrett and Ocado (although not yet Root Kitchen meals so head over to their websites and get asking their buying teams to get us stocked)! : )
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