Green Vegan Diet: A Year of Eco-Friendly Impact

David Beaver
Explore the remarkable environmental benefits of embracing a vegan diet for a year! Discover how plant-powered choices can curb greenhouse gas emissions, save water, preserve biodiversity, and create a greener future for our planet. Dive into the eco-friendly impact of going vegan!

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15 Essential Pantry Items for Quick and Tasty Vegan Meals

David Beaver
Stock up your pantry with these 15 essential items for quick and tasty meals. From versatile legumes to flavour-packed spices, these ingredients are perfect for adding depth and nutrition to your cooking. Get ready to create delicious vegan meals with minimal effort. Read on for more!

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Our Mission; Making Healthy Vegan Food Accessible to Everyone

David Beaver
We to continue to spread our message of making nutritious vegan food accessible for everyone, not just those people who can afford to buy from the online vegan meal subscription companies.  To do this we are looking to grow our retail presence and are actively reaching out to some of the UK's leading retailers.  Here I'll talk you through a checklist of the process we are going through as we chase down that elusive first supermarket listing.

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Eating Out and Following a Vegan Diet While Traveling

David Beaver
Eating out and maintaining a vegan diet while traveling can seem like a daunting task, but with a bit of planning and some creativity, it's completely manageable! Here are a few tips to help you navigate the dining scene while on the road.

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Tackling Childhood Obesity With A Plant-Based Diet

David Beaver

People seem genuinely surprised when I tell them that our girls (8 and 5 at the time of writing) regularly eat a variety of fruit and vegetables, beans and even tofu, without grumbling.  Can plant-based diets work for children? As parents, our biggest fear was telling ourselves, "I'll make that for the two of us a night when we don't have the kids."

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What Is Plant Based Food Made From? What Does It Mean?

David Beaver
If you are reading this you've probably already made the decision to move away from eating animal and dairy products and you probably won't need any more convincing that switching to a more plant-based diet and gradually eliminating meat items from your diet can have some pretty amazing health benefits, not to mention improving the health of our planet.

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Vegan Hacks - Try These Breakfast Fruit Ideas

David Beaver
A good breakfast is often recognised as the most essential meal of the day, but what you put in your bowl will influence how much nutritional value you get, so eating fruit first thing in the morning will help kick start your digestive system and can even help you wake up naturally without having to rely on a morning cup of coffee. Here are our favourite fruit recommendations you can enjoy first thing in the morning when you're breaking your fast.

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Debunking Vegan Myths

David Beaver
As you may have guessed we are huge supporters of all things vegan and have enjoyed watching more people adopt a plant based diet, with celebs like Miley Cyrus, Pamela Anderson and Lewis Hamilton leading the charge.  As Root Kitchen's resident vegan blogger, I wanted to use this opportunity to debunk three of the most frequent misconceptions about veganism.

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Gearing Up For Big Plans In 2022

David Beaver
In January we reached the end of our first year of trading!  In one sense, it feels like it's been a long time because we've been delivering thousands of meals to hungry customers all over the UK, but we've only just begun......

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